Women's History Month 2024 - Spotlighting Our People
✨✊💐 We’re kicking off Women's History Month by spotlighting the incredible women of Trinnovo Group! Our iconic women are making history every day, and we’re thrilled to celebrate their excellence (all year). We interviewed Marita Harper, Lucy Neal, Dominika Kodadova, Kalya Chamber, and Lauren Langdell to find out what they’re most proud of, what inspires them, and what they’ve set out to achieve in 2024.
What has been your proudest moment OR biggest personal achievement?
Marita Harper: "It's so hard to pinpoint one specific achievement because I'm genuinely so proud of so many things I've accomplished. Raising the perfect son, completing my CIPD, (not being biased but) having the best husband, working for a great company... the list goes on!! I would say though, that the WOMAN I am today and the things I've achieved in life so far have always been what I prayed for #forever grateful.❤"
Lucy Neal: ”Leading the project in obtaining the B Corp accreditation at Trinnovo Group. I am so unbelievably proud to be working on reshaping what recruitment can be, our B Corp accreditation truly validates that we are who we say we are. We are positively disrupting the recruitment landscape via our responsible talent solutions, and we are amplifying the voices of underserved people via our community-driven approach. We are enabling a mindset shift in helping other organisations adopt the B Corp mentality. Creating a more responsible, green and inclusive future. It’s an honour to be part of it.”
Dominika Kodadova: “This may not be as jaw-dropping as you might hope, but my proudest moment as a career changer is the step into the unknown. I took a leap of faith by leaving something I knew – something comfortable – behind by starting a brand new journey in recruitment.”
Lauren Langdell: “Moving to America in March 2020. The borders shut a few days later and I went on to grow the Los Angeles office to 17 people across 3 brands at its peak during the pandemic – I was surprised when I found out how much I could push myself and I’m so proud of what I achieved in those years.”
Helen Dawson: “Surviving what life has thrown my way in the past two years. Child loss can break a person and their relationships, I may still be broken and will never fully heal, but my relationship with my partner, my parents and closest friends have become much stronger in the process.”
Rhiannon Darlington-Sharpe: “Doing a 360 and choosing to change my career 7 years ago to become an accountant! Believe it or not, I used to be a pastry chef at a Michelin restaurant in London.”
Micha Swallow: “My proudest accomplishment stems from pursuing my passion for coaching and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. During the pandemic, I successfully completed a coaching qualification, marking a significant achievement in my transition from a 9-year career as a recruitment consultant to coaching women through health and wellness, and now finding a fulfilling path in learning and development.”
Scarlett Worthington: “Graduating with a 1st class degree from a drama school that I wasn’t even sure I would ever get into!”
Who inspires you the most and why?
Lucy Neal: “My grandmother, Edith, a beacon of resilience and kindness. Despite facing hardships in her life, she radiated warmth, exuberance, and an unwavering zest for life that inspired all who knew her. She was more than just a grandmother; she was a guiding light, a source of boundless love, and a living testament to the power of perseverance. Her infectious laughter and boundless optimism were contagious, uplifting everyone fortunate enough to cross her path. ❤ But what set her apart was her remarkable capacity for empathy and compassion. She understood that behind every smile lies a story, and she made it her mission to treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their circumstances.”
Dominika Kodadova: “Hands down my mother. Throughout her career, she had to overcome so many obstacles and has been up, and also very, very down, but each time she picked herself up, never ever giving in.”
Lauren Langdell: “Hayley Killengrey, sounds cheesy but it’s true. She taught me everything I know about recruitment and has gone on to launch her new business, Deeprec.ai, right after having a newborn. What can’t this girl do?"
Marita Harper: "Everyone says this, but I really do mean it… My mum is the most inspirational woman I know! I have some inspiring friends too."
Helen Dawson: “My Mum. She is probably the strongest person I know. She gives the best advice and she is always the person everyone turns to when they have any problems, whether that’s her immediate family, her daughter-in-law, or my best friends! Despite being diagnosed with Parkinson’s over 8 years ago, she is still fighting fit and won’t let anyone see otherwise, although it is now obvious the disease is starting to impact her everyday life, she does everything in her power to keep the symptoms at bay. She will say her motivation is her grandchildren but I know it’s her sheer stubbornness, grit and determination!”
Rhiannon Darlington-Sharpe: “My Dad - Certified genius, drum and guitar expert, marathon runner, a complete gentleman and the best Dad any girl could ask for. It still amazes me how much knowledge one person can obtain. He's just finished his latest book on artificial intelligence for any AI geeks out there!”
Micha Swallow: “It's hard to single out just one person who inspires me the most. Instead, I find inspiration from all the women in my circle. I'm always in awe of those who fearlessly chase their dreams, balancing their professional careers with family life. What truly motivates me are women who thrive in the face of adversity and are fueled by the determination to prove doubters wrong. I'm particularly inspired by individuals who embody kindness, humility, and bravery, as to me they represent the epitome of strength. The mothers, entrepreneurs, leaders, mentors, managers and strong women in my network are all a driving force behind my own aspirations and I feel lucky to have you on this path with me.”
Saskia Carey: “My mum ❤ She is, in three words, tenacious, loyal, and driven. You can see that in her professional life alone where she worked in the post office for years before dropping everything to go to university at the age of 40, fuelling a huge career change into education where she worked her way up from Volunteer to Teaching Assistant, Teacher to Assistant Headteacher, and then Deputy Headteacher to Headteacher! She inspires me in my career goals and my personal life every single day – what a woman!”
Scarlett Worthington: “Olivia Coleman because she doesn’t care! She is always just herself. She doesn’t adhere to any stereotypes or societal pressures. She is happy and thriving as her true self, and I find that very empowering.”
Viki Dowthwaite: “A previous manager. I was so impressed by her when I started my first role in recruitment. She had a fantastic career, was a million-pound biller, and then she had twins and was back to working in a matter of months balancing her time very well. Seeing someone be resilient and successful and also manage both career and family life simultaneously alongside supporting a team of 20 in our office at the time was incredibly impressive and inspiring. I’d love to emulate the qualities of this lady in the future
What is one goal you’ve set to accomplish this year?
Lauren Langdell: “To fit into my wedding dress! I have some serious personal goals around health, fitness, and achieving a balanced lifestyle this year. My upcoming wedding has kickstarted a drive to prioritise my physical and mental health so I can be the best possible version of myself.”
Dominika Kodadova: “I would like to chair my own event! I’m terrified of public speaking; English being my second language and all, but that is the big one for me.”
Marita Harper: "One of my many goals this year is to improve my personal and professional development, whether it’s getting a mentor, taking part in workshops outside of work, or reading more books."
Lucy Neal: “Maintain a healthy work-life balance and be in nature more in 2024.”
Helen Dawson: “Get our Automation working as seamlessly as possible and benefit both internally and externally before heading off on Maternity Leave!”
Rhiannon Darlington-Sharpe: “I have so many goals I want to accomplish this year - the list keeps getting bigger! But my main goal is to focus on my mental health and happiness, to get to a point where I am practicing meditation daily. By achieving this, so many other areas of my life will improve and naturally fall into place. Professionally, I want to complete more of my exams/papers to get one step closer towards being fully qualified.”
Micha Swallow: “Professional and personal development is really important to me, so this year is all about GROWTH. I’m working towards becoming an accredited Coach through ICF whilst also training for my first-ever Marathon.”
Saskia Carey: I really need to hone my public speaking skills by talking in front of any sort of audience no matter how small it is. It absolutely PETRIFIES ME! It’s going to be a long road but I want to take some baby steps this year to work towards defeating that phobia 😊
Scarlett Worthington: “My goal is, and always will be, to strive to be the best version of myself and to keep doing what I love.”
Viki Dowthwaite: “My goal for this year is to network more! I’m really focused on increasing my peer and professional network through Women in DevOps and Soda socials, and I want to attend at least 10 events this year.”
Join Us!
Join us as we celebrate Women's History Month in style, because at Trinnovo Group, the future is female, and the possibilities are limitless! Get ready to be inspired by the unstoppable force of women making history right here, right now. Let's do this! 💥✨🚀 #TrinnovoWomenRock #WomensHistoryMonth2024