Black History Month: Proud to Be - Olivia Davies
At Broadgate Search which is part of Trinnovo Group, our mission is to build diversity, create inclusion and encourage workplace innovation. As recruiters, we have the ability to inspire change in the workplace and in society, and this is what we do.
We interviewed our Black colleagues across the UK on what they are ‘Proud to Be’ to commemorate this year’s, UK Black History Month.
Olivia Davies is an Associate Recruitment Consultant from Broadgate Search, which is part of Trinnovo Group. Olivia is proud of how far we've come. She is proud to be comfortable in her own skin, learn without fear or shame, and be able to love whomever she wants to love.
What are you proud to be? Visit our website to find out more about how we are making and impacting the recruitment industry: www.trinnovogroup.com