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IWD 2023 - What does an equitable world look like to you?

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IWD 2023 - What does an equitable world look like to you?

Happy International Women’s Day! Equity is the touchstone of true inclusion – it’s in our DNA, not just our copy. In keeping with this year's IWD theme of #embracingequity, we’re echoing the message that gender equity is a must-have, not a nice-to-have.

That said, what does the word equity really mean? It’s defined as the state of being fair and impartial, but what does that look like in practice, and what kind of future does it conjure up when you first hear the word?

Is equity a place of fairness and justice? Perhaps achieving equity means you get to live in a world where you can be your true authentic self, a world of vulnerability, respect, and support, a world where you’re free to enjoy the luxuries that others enjoy, to reach your goals without having to compete on a rigged playing field, no matter your gender identity.

Most importantly, what does an equitable world look like to you? We wanted to hear it from our people first-hand, so we asked them! Here’s what they had to say.