Trinnovo Consulting: Podcast episode 2 - Maximising team performance through psychological safety with Adam Travis
We welcomed the incredible Adam Travis to this week’s Unlocking Performance podcast, where we talked about the vital role of psychological safety on the journey towards maximising team performance, creating a brighter future, and achieving true inclusion in the workplace.
Adam is the Global Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Logitech where he provides strategic direction to the business, supporting them with advancing diversity within their internal culture and across their communities and customers.
We covered the evolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion through the lens of Adam’s spellbinding career journey. We unpicked the inherent business value of diverse and psychologically safe teams, the keys to unlocking team performance, measurables, navigating uncomfortable conversations, and so much more.
Listen to the full episode here:
Check out some of Adam’s recommended reading materials below:
Short video interview with Amy Edmondson explaining what Psych Safety is: https://youtu.be/U_35pAviSnI
A book written by Amy Edmondson that introduces Psychological Safety and how to create it at work: https://www.amazon.com.au/Fearless-Organization-Psychological-Workplace-Innovation/dp/1119477247
Information surrounding Project Aristotle at Google - a step-by-step of what they did and why: https://rework.withgoogle.com/guides/understanding-team-effectiveness/steps/introduction/
There is a chapter in the below book on the work that Adam did around Psychological Safety at a previous business called Elsevier: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Even-Better-If-Building-businesses/dp/1781336334