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Blogs in ex military careers blogs

Emc 1

Why Veterans Make Ideal Leaders

​Many veterans find themselves in a tricky position when they leave the forces: They’re overqualified for entry-level roles, but they struggle to land leadership positions. Why is this? Veterans ar...

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Emc 3

Podcast Episode 13: Gear up for Tech: A career guide for veterans

Welcome to Episode 13 of the Ex-Military Careers Podcast Series! If you're a veteran transitioning from the battlefield to the bustling world of technology, you're in for a treat. In this action-pa...

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Emc 4

Veteran Transition Tips: Mentorship and Career Growth

Whether you’ve landed your first civilian job or you’re pivoting into a brand-new industry, mentorship is valuable at any stage of your professional journey. For veterans, mentors provide a guiding...

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Emc 2

From Frontline to Tech: Navigating the Transition

After years of military service, finding a fulfilling job might feel overwhelming. Veterans have a unique set of skills and experiences that often make them world-class candidates, especially in a ...

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Workplace Integration Tips for Veterans

For many veterans, this process starts with a real culture shock. Comparable to military life, a civilian workplace can seem like it lacks structure, concrete mission targets, and even discipline.T...

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Essential Transition Tips: Recognizing Your Evergreen Skills

​Struggling to translate your military experience? You’re not alone. Whether it’s writing a resumé, choosing the right words in an interview, or even matching your skills with opportunities, plenty...

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Hiring Veterans: Your Guide to Regimented Retention Rates

​If you’re hoping to benefit from the incredible skills veterans bring to the workplace, it’s important to make sure you have the workplace to support them. Here are some tips to help you get start...

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EMC podcast: Episode 10 - Creating a positive dialogue with Dave Coleman from Civvy2Commando

​In this episode, Ellis chats to Ex-Royal Marine and Entrepreneur, Dave Coleman to guide us through his journey in the Marines and how he came to found Civvy2Commando.Check it out here:

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Diverse Workforce

5 Benefits Of Encouraging Diversity In The Workplace

​A diverse workforce that features people from a variety of cultures, backgrounds, abilities and lifestyles benefits everyone. By having a workforce that is a better representative of society your ...

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Job Hunting Blog May

How To Deal With Setbacks When Job Hunting

​Job searching can be a daunting task, and it is easy to grow fatigued by what can feel like endless waiting for the right opportunity.We understand it can be disheartening when dealing with setbac...

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Top 5 tips for an interview in the Tech industry

​The tech industry offers many great opportunities for ambitious digital and IT professionals. Many leading companies offer terrific benefits, development, and compensation packages, both for those...

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Day in the Life of a Cyber Security Analyst

​Cyber security analysts help to protect an organisation by employing a range of technologies and processes to prevent, detect and manage cyber threats.You may also monitor networks and systems, de...

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Finance Interview

Top 5 Tips For An Interview In The Finance Industry

Are you looking for a role in finance? Do you need to prepare for an interview? We’ve got everything you need to know about how to prepare for a interview in the finance industry!First off, the fin...

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Women Vet Day

Looking back on Women Veteran’s Day 2022

​Through our learning partners, we can provide courses targeted at ex-military retraining. We can also offer advice and support on housing and welfare issues. We are looking back at Women Veterans ...

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James 01

An Interview With James Lawrence, Founder at Ex-military Careers

​At Broadgate, part of Trinnovo Group, we work on a CSR (corporate social responsibility) framework that encapsulates different elements of diversity, equity and inclusion in order to make a tangib...

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